‎Phillip Lyle McFadden

Все книги и статьи автора

A new fold test for palaeomagnetic studies

McFadden P.L. A new fold test for palaeomagnetic studies — Geophys. J. Int. (1990) 103, 163-169

Analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data

McFadden P.L., Reid A.B. Analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data — Geophys. J. R. astr. SOC. (1982) 69 307-319

Classification of the reversal test in palaeomagnetism

McFadden P.L., McElhinny M.W. Classification of the reversal test in palaeomagnetism — Geophys. J. Int. (1990) 103, 725-729

Paleomagnetism: Continents and Oceans

McElhinny M.W. & McFadden P.L. (2000) Paleomagnetism: Continents and Oceans

The combined analysis of remagnetization circles and direct observations in palaeomagnetism

McFadden P.L., McElhinny M.W. The combined analysis of remagnetization circles and direct observations in palaeomagnetism — Earth and Planetary Science Letters (1988) 87 161-172

The discrimination of mean directions drawn from Fisher distributions

McFadden P.L., Lowes F.J. The discrimination of mean directions drawn from Fisher distributions — Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. (1981) 67, 19-33

The fold test as an analytical tool

McFadden P.L. The fold test as an analytical tool — Geophys. J. Int. (1998) 135, 329-338

The fold test in palaeomagnetism

McFadden P.L., Jones D.L. The fold test in palaeomagnetism — Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. (1981) 67, 53-58
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