Библиотека книг и статей по палеомагнетизму

Конечно же – это не весь палеомагнетизм, не вся палеомагнитология. А только часть. Та часть, которая мне была и остаётся до сих пор интересной. Она охватывает – в некотором роде – основы. Методы получения и обоснования надёжности палеомагнитной информации. Математические, статистические… Это – начало?

Все книги и статьи

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A computer program package for analysis and presentation of paleomagnetic data

Enkin R.J. (1994) — Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada 16

A new conglomerate test in palaeomagnetism

Shipunov S.V., Muraviev A.A., Bazhenov M.L. A new conglomerate test in palaeomagnetism — Geophysical Journal International (1998) 133 (3), 721-725

A new fold test for palaeomagnetic studies

McFadden P.L. A new fold test for palaeomagnetic studies — Geophys. J. Int. (1990) 103, 163-169

A new fold test in paleomagnetism (rehabilitation of the mean test)

Shipunov S.V. A new fold test in paleomagnetism (rehabilitation of the mean test) — Physics of the Solid Earth (1995) 31(4) 342–348 | Note: the mean test – correct to call the McElhinny's test

A test for randomness of directions

Watson G.S. A test for randomness of directions — Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. (1956) 7 160-161

Analysis of dispersion on a sphere

Watson G.S. Analysis of dispersion on a sphere — Mon. Not. R. astr. Soc. geophys. Suppl. (1956) 7 153-159

Analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data

McFadden P.L., Reid A.B. Analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data — Geophys. J. R. astr. SOC. (1982) 69 307-319

Bootstrap Statistics for Paleomagnetic Data

Tauxe L., Kylstra N., Constable C. Bootstrap Statistics for Paleomagnetic Data — Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth and Planets (1991) 96:11723-11740

Classification of the reversal test in palaeomagnetism

McFadden P.L., McElhinny M.W. Classification of the reversal test in palaeomagnetism — Geophys. J. Int. (1990) 103, 725-729

Confidence Limits for the Precision Parameter κ

Cox A. Confidence Limits for the Precision Parameter κ — Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. (1969) 18, 545-549

Deformation and Paleomagnetism

Borradaile G.J. Deformation and Paleomagnetism — Surveys in Geophysics (1997) 18 405–435

Directional Statistics

Mardia K.V., Jupp P.E. (2000) Directional Statistics

Directional statistics

Gaile G.L. & Burt J.E. Directional statistics (1980)

Dispersion Due to Random Magnetization

Cox A. Angular Dispersion Due to Random Magnetization — Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. (1964) 8(4) 345-355

Dispersion on a sphere

Fisher R.A. Dispersion on a sphere — Proc. R. Soc. Lond. (1953) A, 217, 295-305

Distributions on the circle and sphere

Watson G.S. Distributions on the circle and sphere — Princeton University (1981) Technical Report No 176

Encyclopedia of geomagnetism and paleomagnetism

Gubbins D. & Herrero-Bervera E. Encyclopedia of geomagnetism and paleomagnetism (2007)

Environmental Magnetism, Principles and Applications of Enviromagnetics

Evans M.E. & Heller F. (2003) Environmental Magnetism, Principles and Applications of Enviromagnetics

Fold method in paleomagnetism

Bazhenov M.L., Shipunov S.V. Fold method in paleomagnetism — Izvestiya, Earth Physics 1988 24(7) 576–585

Fold test in paleomagnetism: new approaches and reappraisal of data

Bazhenov M.L., Shipunov S.V. Fold test in paleomagnetism: new approaches and reappraisal of data — Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 104 (1991) 16-24
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