Randolph J. Enkin

Enkin R.J.

Все книги и статьи автора

A computer program package for analysis and presentation of paleomagnetic data

Enkin R.J. (1994) — Pacific Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada 16

Statistical analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data

Enkin R.J., Watson G.S. Statistical analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data — Geophysical Journal International (1996) 126 (2), 495-504

The direction-correction tilt test: an all-purpose tilt/fold test for paleomagnetic studies

Enkin R.J. The direction-correction tilt test: an all-purpose tilt/fold test for paleomagnetic studies — Earth and Planetary Science Letters (2003) 212 (1), 151-166
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