Библиотека книг и статей по палеомагнетизму

Все книги и статьи с тегом «Тестирование»

A new conglomerate test in palaeomagnetism

Shipunov S.V., Muraviev A.A., Bazhenov M.L. A new conglomerate test in palaeomagnetism — Geophysical Journal International (1998) 133 (3), 721-725

A new fold test for palaeomagnetic studies

McFadden P.L. A new fold test for palaeomagnetic studies — Geophys. J. Int. (1990) 103, 163-169

Classification of the reversal test in palaeomagnetism

McFadden P.L., McElhinny M.W. Classification of the reversal test in palaeomagnetism — Geophys. J. Int. (1990) 103, 725-729

Fold method in paleomagnetism

Bazhenov M.L., Shipunov S.V. Fold method in paleomagnetism — Izvestiya, Earth Physics 1988 24(7) 576–585

Fold test in paleomagnetism: new approaches and reappraisal of data

Bazhenov M.L., Shipunov S.V. Fold test in paleomagnetism: new approaches and reappraisal of data — Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 104 (1991) 16-24

Intersections of remanence small circles: new tools to improve data processing and interpretation in

Waldhör M., Appel E. Intersections of remanence small circles: new tools to improve data processing and interpretation in palaeomagnetism — Geophys. J. Int. (2006) 166 33–45

Synfolding and prefolding magnetizations in the Upper Devonian Catskill Formation of eastern Pennsyl

Miller J.D., Kent D.V. Synfolding and prefolding magnetizations in the Upper Devonian Catskill Formation of eastern Pennsylvania: Implications for the tectonic history of Acadia — Journal of Geophysical Research (1986) 91(B12) 12791–12803

Synfolding magnetization: Detection, testing and geological applications

Shipunov S.V. Synfolding magnetization: Detection, testing and geological applications — Geophysical Journal International (1997) 130 (2), 405-410

Testing whether two Fisher distributions have the same centre

Watson G.S., Debiche M.G. Testing whether two Fisher distributions have the same centre — Geophys. J. Int. (1992) 109 225-232

The two dimensional fold test in paleomagnetism using ipython notebook

Setiabudidaya D., Piper J.D.A. The two dimensional fold test in paleomagnetism using ipython notebook — Earth and Environmental Science (2016) 29 012007

Метод складки в палеомагнетизме

Баженов М.Л., Шипунов С.В. Метод складки в палеомагнетизме — Физика Земли 1988 7 89–101

Основы палеомагнитного анализа: Теория и практика

Шипунов С.В. (1993) Основы палеомагнитного анализа: Теория и практика М: Наука (Тр. ГИН вып. 487)

Статистика палеомагнитных данных

Шипунов С.В. (2000) Статистика палеомагнитных данных: Лекции М: ГЕОС (Тр. ГИН вып. 527)
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