Библиотека книг и статей по палеомагнетизму

Все книги и статьи с тегом «Оценивание»

Analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data

McFadden P.L., Reid A.B. Analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data — Geophys. J. R. astr. SOC. (1982) 69 307-319

Intersections of remanence small circles: new tools to improve data processing and interpretation in

Waldhör M., Appel E. Intersections of remanence small circles: new tools to improve data processing and interpretation in palaeomagnetism — Geophys. J. Int. (2006) 166 33–45

On lines and planes of closest fit to systems of points in space

Pearson K. On lines and planes of closest fit to systems of points in space — Philosophical Magazine (1901) 2(6) 559-572

Small-Circle Methods in Paleomagnetism

Waldhör M., Appel E. Small-Circle Methods in Paleomagnetism

Statistical analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data

Enkin R.J., Watson G.S. Statistical analysis of palaeomagnetic inclination data — Geophysical Journal International (1996) 126 (2), 495-504

Synfolding magnetization: Detection, testing and geological applications

Shipunov S.V. Synfolding magnetization: Detection, testing and geological applications — Geophysical Journal International (1997) 130 (2), 405-410

The combined analysis of remagnetization circles and direct observations in palaeomagnetism

McFadden P.L., McElhinny M.W. The combined analysis of remagnetization circles and direct observations in palaeomagnetism — Earth and Planetary Science Letters (1988) 87 161-172

The least-squares line and plane and The analysis of paleomagnetic data

Kirschvink J.L. The least-squares line and plane and The analysis of paleomagnetic data — Geophys. J.R. astr. Soc. (1980) 62 699-718

The reliability of paleomagnetic data

Van der Voo R. The reliability of paleomagnetic data — Tectonophysics (1990) 184 1-9

Основы палеомагнитного анализа: Теория и практика

Шипунов С.В. (1993) Основы палеомагнитного анализа: Теория и практика М: Наука (Тр. ГИН вып. 487)
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